Inside Out Leadership

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2022 Reflection Template

Welcome Entrepreneurs. I’m so glad you’re here.

And welcome to the many new subscribers joining us for the first time. The reaction to last week’s issue was truly special. Thank you.

Now then.

The Holidays are one of the very few liminal spaces that Western society still embraces, and one of the best opportunities to reflect, and recenter yourself to what’s important. December can be the foundation to a 2022 filled with purpose and presence. Or it can simply be a month in which we have to rush to fit four weeks of work into 2.5, and then take vacation.

The difference is the conscious effort to dive deep into our experience, becoming more intimate with who we are and what we want out of life. It’s being intentional about renewing ourselves, as opposed to simply recharging.

For those of you who want to be intentional about this precious liminal space (and these are the spaces that founders tell me over and over are the ones that make them feel most alive), I’ve made something for you:

2021-22 Inside-Out Reflection Template

The 2021-22 Annual Reflection is a journey of structured reflection, designed to help you take advantage of the liminal space around the holidays to discover and align yourself with the work you’re meant to do in 2022.

Be warned: the exercises contained herein are challenging

They’re supposed to be. 

Inside each of us is the work we’re meant to do. The gift we’re meant to give to the world. The story we’re meant to tell. Most of the time we’re too busy to pay attention, but every year around this time the world takes a breath, slows down, and gives us the opportunity to access this gift. It’s on us to take advantage of that opportunity. 

I wish you the best of luck in diving deep, and bringing your unique story to the world in 2022.

Ready to get started? Click the logo below:


One: How Spiritual Health Fosters Human Resilience (McKinsey)

I was surprised to see McKinsey publish this. Maybe business-as-spiritual-journey is finally gaining some mainstream traction. I can’t wait.

(Here’s a passage: “We stop saying, “What do I want to have happen now?” because that’s clearly not working, and instead, as a much more open question, “What is life showing me now?””)


Two: Can a Group of Crypto Enthusiasts Buy an NBA Team (

Suffice it to say that I think they can. This is probably the Web3 project I’m most excited about — a DAO raising capital to buy a stake in an NBA team. The only way I’d be more excited is if we were trying to buy the Detroit Lions.


Three: Poet Robert Bly dies at 94 (

I’ve written before about the immense impact that Robert Bly’s work “Iron John” had on me, and hearing of his passing caused me to reflect once again about the importance of being intentional around my boys. If you have sons, and you haven’t read it yet, stop reading and get Iron John right now. Link below:


Four: 24 Cognitive Biases that are warping your perception of reality (VisualCapitalist)

We like to think we see the world clearly. Not only do not see it clearly, we actually see it filtered through no less than 24 separate lenses, collectively designed to keep us alive as hunter-gatherers (thanks for that), but that now mostly just get in the way.


Five: The Long Now

This is one of my favorite long term projects in which mankind is engaged. A massive clock built into a mountain designed to keep time accurately for 10,000 years. The project was started in 01996.



If you liked this, check out this list of my top posts, read and shared by thousands of entrepreneurs.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Executive Coaching for Entrepreneurs

There’s a reason every elite athlete in the world works with a coach. You need more than one perspective to see your best work.

I’m an executive coach and the founder of Inside-Out Leadership, a boutique leadership development agency supporting founders to rapidly scale themselves as leaders, so they can thrive professionally and personally as their company changes the world. Leveraging 15-years as a founder/CEO and a decade of meditation & mindfulness training, I have helped leaders from companies across the world, funded by some of the world’s top venture funds, to design a more conscious life and make key changes to improve their performance and satisfaction. I coach entrepreneurs how I want to be coached:

  • Focused on the person, not the role.

  • Focused on results, without the fluff.